The future of ad monitization
Get paid to show ads in places that you already own.
Place our display in your business venue. and start earning money.
Advertise for national and local brands while we manage all of the inventory for you.
Receive your monthly payment based on the earned revenue from each advertisement.
Our advertising solution allows you to begin earning revenue from your space immediately.
Access programmatic demand by blending our technology together.
Our algorithms sell advertisements to our programmatic partners at the best price possible.
Reach indoor audiences at scale in North America with programmatic targeting and reporting.
Power & monetize your screens for an affordable price.
Click the button below to begin working with a member of our team about your venue's pricing structure.
Quick & seamless installation
End-to-end managed solutions
Monthly revenue payment
Convenient product size
*Pricing varies based on venue type.
Click the button below to get in contact with a member of our team.